TED was born in 1946, studied medicine at Birmingham University (UK) and went on to be a GP with specialist interest in sexual health in that city for over 40 years.
He had a sound artisitic grounding from his father, (a talented amateur water colourist) and Tony Griffin, his mother's cousin, a professional artist from Berkhamstead. Having always had an interest in the fine arts, he developed a second career whilst working as a doctor, which took him beyond retirement in 2012. Subsequently, Ted studied for a regretably short time under the late David Mynett but is essentially self-taught.
Ted held 3 successful solo exhibitions in Birmingham [2004, 2006, 2012] at Birmingham's prestigious and central Number Nine the Gallery, and regularly used to exhibit in France, when he had a house there.
One of his most successful works was a large portrait of the actor DAVID SUCHET, with whose permission, it is displayed. This portrait was sold at auction at a Gala Dinner on the stage of Birmingham's The REP in July 2017 and the purchaser donated it to The Rep, where it can be seen.
Since 2018, he has concentrated on sculpting using wet clay and attended Paul Brown, sculptor in Handsworth, Birmingham for 3 years.
He has also continued developing his sculpting skills with the use of Chavant Clay which when worthy, his works are converted to bronzes with the added professional skills of Red Temple, Birmingham.
His media are predominantly oils, ink, charcoal, chalk and occasionally acrylic and gouache. In recent years he has branched out with successful small sculptures in wax, clay and bronze.
For about a two decades, Ted has conceived, developed and created a deconstructed sculpture of a generic 7-stage pole vault, which is now finished as a bronze.
Ted's subject matter is modern and figuratively representational; he likes most subject materials and takes commissions of favourite views, portraits etc.